A Leadership Discussion with Dawne Hanks

Welcome to a special blog post this week! We interviewed Dawne Hanks, Owner & Founder of ‘Eliminate Girl Hate’ to discuss the roles of leadership in Corporate America and what makes an effective leader. Dawne is committed to providing advocacy, consulting, and coaching to both men and women who share a common goal—to build a more equitable world for women and girls.

Dawne and I also share a passion for learning through storytelling and I hope she’ll come visit us again to expand on that topic with me.

You can listen to the entire interview on Vimeo HERE, but Dawne was kind enough to share a few of her responses for the blog. We hope to interview many others in realm of business and leadership for our new podcast channel on Vimeo called Nothing But the Truth…with a Story on the Side.

Enjoy! And as always, we welcome your comments.

Dawne Hanks Bio:

With over two decades of experience as a brand and marketing strategist, Dawne Hanks has journeyed across the globe, delving into the intricacies of human behavior and gaining a profound global perspective—both in the spotlight and behind the scenes. Renowned for award-winning work with influential brands such as Nike, Oakley, TedX Youth, University of San Francisco, and Girls Inc. PNW, Dawne has had the privilege of witnessing the transformative power of authentic storytelling and genuine curiosity on individuals and organizations.

As the founder of “Eliminate Girl Hate,” Dawne is committed to providing advocacy, consulting, and coaching to both men and women who share a common goal—to build a more equitable world for women and girls. Dawne’s passion for fostering positive change and eliminating gender bias shines through in every aspect of their work, making her a powerful voice for progress and equality and now her focus is on shining a light on the voices of others.

What are you most passionate about? What gets you up in the morning?

Making the world a better place by creating safe and equitable spaces for women and girls to tell their stories and live in their purpose.

How would you define the roles of leadership in the workplace?

The role of leadership is to empower others to find and live in their purpose and make the world a better place for everyone through the work that they do.

Why is the e word “emotional” always portrayed as a negative?

The fast answer – because it is associated with women. The slower answer – because people get uncomfortable being a witness to the pain of others. For most of us, we grew up being told to stop crying, to wipe our face, to get over it and that has conditioned us to believe that emotionality is a weakness. But we are learning what all of that suppression has done. It has created illness both physical and mental that has manifested in violence, war, crime, loneliness, despair, and even death.

What makes a good leader? (Characteristics of men or women)

  • Empathy
  • Vulnerability
  • Resilience
  • The ability to empower others
  • The ability to do the work and let others help you get there

How would you train a new leader? Top 3 steps/traits

  • Rebounding
  • Ideation
  • Empathy

What’s missing from leaders in corporate America?

Perspective, authenticity, empathy, passion, and action. 

If you could wave a magic wand, how would you fix it?

Tell our stories. There is no magic wand more powerful than storytelling. It has been said that storytellers are the architects of culture, and I believe that to be true. As humans we communicate though story, we learn from story, and we evolve through story. But for much of our history as humans, the only stories being told widely were that of one group of people. If we want to fix what is wrong, we have to talk about it in a way that invites empathy and compassion for the human condition. Story does that.

You can find Dawne on these social media outlets:

WEBSITE – www.eliminategirlhate.com  

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